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Posted on 2014-10-28 , Data Source: Official Website
Ingredient Function Acne Irritant Safety
Deionized Water
0 0
Fragrance, Skin conditioning 0 0 1
Potassium cetyl phosphate
Surfactant 1
Fragrance, Skin conditioning, Moisturizer, Emollient, Plant extract 5 1 1
Phenethyl alcohol
Caprylyl Glycol
Moisturizer, Emollient 1
Sodium Hyaluronate
Skin conditioning, Moisturizer 0 0 1
Retinyl Retinoate
Skin conditioning 6-7
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice
Skin conditioning 1-3
Xanthan Gum
Surfactant, Viscosity Control 1
Coffea arabica
Fragrance, Skin conditioning 1
Fragaria ananassa
Oat beta glucan
Viscosity Control 1
Moisturizer 1
Anti-inflammatory 1
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Antioxidant 1-2
Skin conditioning, Moisturizer 1
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people liked

Recommend for anyone who's struggling with combination or acne-pone skin. This non-greasy serum gives me a nice mat look and calms the redness instantly. My skin certainly looks better after using the serum for one week, with significantly less post-inflammation marks and less clogged pores. Love the fact that they used retinyl retinoate in this serum, a really potent ingredient which regularizes skin cell turnover effectively yet gently.
对于混合肌和容易长痘的皮肤来说再合适不过了。去红能力很强,完全不油腻,用后很久都不会泛油光。一星期之后感觉脸上皮肤明显变好了,痤疮发炎留下的红印修复的很快,堵塞的毛孔也变少了。 这款精华用的是retinyl retinoate, 非常温和高效,让角质代谢速度正常起来

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