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Posted on 2018-02-09 , Data Source: Other Website
Ingredient Function Acne Irritant Safety
Solvent 1
Stearic Acid
Surfactant, Viscosity Control, Emulsifier 2 0 1
Solvent, Viscosity Control, Skin conditioning, Moisturizer 0 0 1-2
Solvent, Moisturizer 1-3
Propylene Glycol
Solvent, Viscosity Control, Moisturizer 0 0 3
Myristic acid
Fragrance, Emulsifier 3 0 1
Potassium Hydroxide
pH Adjusters 2-5
Lauric Acid
Emulsifier 4 1 1
Viscosity Control, Emollient, Emulsifier 0-2 0-2 1
Glyceryl Stearate
Emollient, Emulsifier
PEG-100 Stearate
Surfactant 1 0 1-3
Fragrance 4
This ingredient list is correct
This ingredient list is wrong
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I would not recommend this product especially for acne prone skin. Not only does cosdna label some of the ingredients as a moderate to high risk for being comedogenic but I have combination acne prone non sensitive skin and this product broke me out.

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In my opinion, this product is good for acne prone and oily skin. It cleanse your face properly and its texture as foam cleanser didn't really damage skin.I would recommend to use this cleanser with toner and moisturizer to help your skin hydrate well after you wash your face.

- 2024-06-29
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