[2] 台大醫院皮膚部,陳玄祥醫師,2005/05/06
DMDM Hydantoin 0.6%
化妝品使用此類成分作為防腐劑時,其總釋出之Free Formaldehyde量,不得超過1,000 ppm
力士多芬洗发乳被检出甲醛 回应称配方未超国标
2012-07-06 15:06:00 来源: 北京晚报 暂无网友评论
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台湾“消基会”在最新发布的一则25件抗屑、止痒、生发洗发精功能测试中提到,化妆品中使用DMDM Hydantoin等成分作为防腐剂时,其总释出之游离甲醛含量不得超过1000ppm。而力士柔亮洗发乳、Dove(多芬)去屑护理洗发乳以及舒妃有机草本萃取洗发乳的成分中含有DMDM Hydantoin,并检出游离甲醛,但释出量均合乎当地化妆品卫生管理条例规定。
DMDM hydantoin is an antimicrobial agent and preservative. It increases the shelf-life of cosmetics (e.g. shampoos, skincare products, hair gels, etc) by "releasing" formaldehyde and thus killing bacteria. This keeps cosmetics sanitary, and prevents illness due to infections.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) lists the hazard level of DMDM hydantoin at moderate/high. It is not known to cause developmental and reproductive toxicity, and has a low risk of being a carcinogen. The chemical may be a problem in people who are allergic to formaldehyde, and can increase the risk of developing a formaldehyde allergy. The most common type of allergy is a skin allergy.
As of 2005 however, the independent Cosmetic Ingredient Review panel (established in 1976) lists DMDM hydantoin as a "safe" ingredient [2]. The benefits outweigh the risks, especially at the low levels that are found in most cosmetics:
"The CIR Expert Panel has reviewed the safety of formaldehyde in cosmetics and personal care products and concluded that it was safe to a great majority of consumers but has limited the concentration to 0.2% free formaldehyde due to the skin sensitivity of some individuals to this agent. The amount of DMDM Hydantoin required to preserve a product (less than 1%) does not expose the consumer to concentrations of formaldehyde above the 0.2% limit for formaldehyde recommended by the CIR Expert Panel."
So unless someone is very sensitive to formaldehyde, this is a generally safe chemical. It is poorly absorbed by the skin, and there are no adverse effects from oral exposure [2]. Nevertheless, when finding toiletries (e.g. baby wipes, sunscreen, etc) for babies and young children, it might be a good idea to stick to preservatives that are associated with fewer complications.
Dimethylol-dimethyl (DMDM) hydantoin is a chemical used in a wide range of cosmetic products. DMDM hydantoin is an antimicrobial formaldehyde releaser (mean it released side product "formaldehyde" that is carcinogen) preservative with the trade name Glydant. DMDM hydantoin is an organic compound belonging to a class of compounds known as hydantoins. It is used in the cosmetics industry and found in products like shampoos, hair conditioners, hair gels, and skin care products. DMDM hydantoin has come under fire in recent years, mainly because it releases small amounts of formaldehyde. This chemical helps prevent your products from going bad, but at high doses, it may have the potential to cause cancer in humans .
According to scientific experts, DMDM hydantoin is safe as a cosmetic ingredient at normal levels of use in products," says Friese. And according to the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, it's safe to use DMDM hydantoin as a cosmetic ingredient at levels of 0.074% or less. Despite of this, this is better to avoid its usage.
目前衛生福利部公告可以使用在化粧品的防腐劑共有47種,其中包括二羥甲基二甲基乙內酰脲(DMDM Hydantoin)、咪唑烷基脲(Imidazolidinyl urea)、季銨鹽-15 (Quaternium 15)、溴硝丙二醇(Bronopol)、雙烷基咪唑脲(Diazolidinyl Urea)、羥甲基甘氨酸鈉(Sodium hydroxymethylglycinate)、烏洛托品(Methenamine)、甲醛苄醇半縮醛(Benzylhemiformal)等9種甲醛釋放型防腐劑。
依我國管理規定,化粧品使用甲醛釋放型防腐劑之成分作為防腐劑時,其總釋出之游離甲醛(Free Formaldehyde)量,不得超過1,000 ppm,針對含甲醛釋放型防腐劑的化粧品,衛生福利部食品藥物管理署每年都會進行甲醛釋出量的監測,檢驗結果均符合公告限量,因此消費者毋須過度驚慌。