Wrinkle-removing and exfoliating ingredients, fat-soluble vitamin A acids are extremely sensitive to light, and when the concentration is too high (above 0.5%), they are easy to irritate the skin, and should not be used together with whitening ingredients as much as possible (prone to irritation)[1].
As far as the same concentration is concerned, the effect and irritation are Retinaldehyde>Retinol>>>Retinyl Linoleate, but the opposite is true in terms of mildness and stability[2].
[2] 邱品齊,「認識你所不知道的藥妝品:皮膚科醫師特選篇」,大境,2010/03/18。
曾經用過維A酸軟膏祛斑 小小嚸搽有刺痛感 當你多一點嚸劑量 就會印發過敏 紅斑紅點 三日才康復
Why 安心度 is 9?
why 9?
EWG rates it as 8 (out of 10), with overall hazard level rated as ‘high’. They also claim it’s a known to cause birth defects and accelerate development of skin cancer.
All of which are true, sort of. But here again we see that they string together factoids out of context to spin their narrative.
It’s true that overdose of oral vitamin A can cause birth defects and other problems. That’s why derms are careful when prescribing Accutane, and that’s why women taking Accutane must use birth control.
This is not applicable to retinol used in acne and personal care products. Studies have shown that the vast majority, if not all, of topically applied retinol is metabolized in the skin, i.e. it never makes it to the bloodstream and thus cannot cause birth defects.
注意:1. 视黄醇对光线极为敏感,所以大部分产品只能夜间使用,白天使用一定要注意防晒!并且应尽量避免与美白成分共同使用(容易产生刺激)。2. 孕妇请远离含有这类成分的产品。
Tham khảo thông tin chi tiết về thành phần làm đẹp và chăm sóc da này tại: https://hellophaidep.com/retinol-la-gi-va-cach-dung/