在CIR(Cosmetic Ingredient Review)的评估报告中,有明确造成肌肤或眼周粘膜刺激性的可能。
请问sodium lauroamphohydroxypropylsulfonate 是SLS的变相成分吗?
邱品齐医师对于 SLES &SLS 两种成分的介绍与释疑 :http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/skindocchiu-cosmeticfact/article?mid=6088&prev=6907&next=5907&l=f&fid=28 .
Can be irritating, especially near the eye area. It is often confused with sodium laureth sulfate (SLES).
Aquarex ME也是SLS
Aquarex ME与Aquarex methyl也是SLS
it is the sodium salt of dodecyl( or lauryl) hydrogen sulfate, the ester of dodecyl alcohol( or lauryl alcohol) and sulfuric acid.
为何我只要洗,含有 sls、sles、als、 Cocoamidopropyl Betaine 的洗髮精 都会过敏(头皮痒 头皮皮肤过敏发炎 头皮屑),而且有Cocoamidopropyl Betaine的洗髮精 洗了好像都会有银屑(有时头髮干后 头皮感觉有些东西 屑之类),
特别是那种洗髮精sls、Cocoamidopropyl Betaine 洗了,没多久 头皮会痒 皮肤过敏发炎,有大大 能介绍 不会过敏的洗髮精吗?
有些洗髮精不知什么原因 什么成份过敏(或着有毒的成份),会造成眼睛 很痛 连带头也跟着痛,而且痛到 睡觉 根本睡不着。
个人经验建议:大油田使用适量添加SLS的洗发产品应该挺好的,因为清洁能力真的很强,但的确这成分刺激性也强,我用含有SLS的洗发产品时手部皮肤能干到脱皮,而含有SLS 的牙膏也会让我刷牙后口腔内壁脱皮,虽然像我这样容易过敏的人也是少数,但还是建议在有其他选择的时候尽量避开这个成分,比如洗发水可以买在产品包装上明确标明不含SLS的,而牙膏也可以选择非起泡牙膏。
There has been a great of misinformation about sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) being circulated on the Internet. Used primarily as a detergent cleansing agent SLS can be derived from coconut. Although it is a potent skin irritant it is not toxic or dangerous for skin. In concentrations of 2% to 5%, SLS can cause allergic or sensitizing reactions in lots of people. It is used as a standard in scientific studies to establish irritancy or sensitizing properties of other ingredients (Sources: European Journal of Dermatology, September-October 2001, pages 416–419; American Journal of Contact Dermatitis, March 2001, pages 28–32; and Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology, September-October 2000, pages 246–257). Being a skin irritant, however, is not the same as a link to cancer, which is what erroneous warnings on the Internet are falsely claiming about this ingredient!
According to Health Canada, in a press release of February 12, 1999 (www.hc-sc.gc.ca/), “A letter has been circulating the Internet which claims that there is a link between cancer and sodium laureth (or lauryl) sulfate (SLS), an ingredient used in [cosmetics]. Health Canada has looked into the matter and has found no scientific evidence to suggest that SLS causes cancer. It has a history of safe use in Canada. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that this e-mail warning is a hoax. The letter is signed by a person at the University of Pennsylvania Health System and includes a phone number. Health Canada contacted the University of Pennsylvania Health System and found that it is not the author of the sodium laureth sulfate warning and does not endorse any link between SLS and cancer. Health Canada considers SLS safe for use in cosmetics. Therefore, you can continue to use cosmetics containing SLS without worry.� Further, according to the American Cancer Society’s Web site (www.cancer.org), “Contrary to popular rumors on the Internet, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) do not cause cancer. E-mails have been flying through cyberspace claiming SLS [and SLES] causes cancer … and is proven to cause cancer.... [Yet] A search of recognized medical journals yielded no published articles relating this substance to cancer in humans.� See surfactant.
~from www.cosmeticcop.com